Real Life Global Advanced Students Book


Interesting and relevant topics teenagers relate to
Real Time photo story with related exercises using functional language, real contexts and situations
Words2know provide clear focus on vocabulary and make revision easier. Also recorded on class CD and Skills Multi-ROM *Grammar2know with rules of meaning and give focus
Grammar input lessons with Grammar Focus
Functional and situational language in Phrases2know
Wide range of listening including exam task types
Reading strategieswith skills such as skimming, scanning, predicting meaning from context
Emphasis on exam task types
Quizzes that encourage students to give opinions and personal views
Students encouraged to give opinions on issues that relate to them
Active Study sections develop awareness of lexical features
Mini Workbookat the back of the Students‘ Book
The back cover flap of the Students‘ Book provides study tips for exam tasks

  • Nakladatel:
  • ISBN:
    978-1-4058-9703-7, EAN:
  • Popis: 1× kniha, brožovaná, 144 stran, 21 × 29,7 cm, anglicky
  • Rozměry: 21 × 29,7 cm
  • Rok vydání:

Cena v obchodě: 372

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